Contributing › Reseach Papers


IHM is the annual conference of the Association Francophone de l'Interaction Homme-Machine. It brings together public and private research actors who come to present their most recent work in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.

Call for participation

Scientific articles present the results of work carried out on fundamental or applied aspects of the field, contributing to themes such as:

  • Foundations of Interaction.
  • Methods, models and tools for the development of interactive systems.
  • Interaction morphology, interaction and presentation techniques.
  • Applications and experiments, etc.

This year we want to promote research focused on the design, development and use of interactive technologies for children. We particularly encourage work in design and in the human and social sciences.

Accepted papers will be presented at the conference, published in HAL and referenced in the ACM Digital Library. The most outstanding ones will be published in an extended version in the AFIHM journal JIPS.

    Instructions to authors

    The official language is French, but submissions in English are permitted. Final versions must follow the template, without page numbers.

    We are adopting the new ACM TAPS publishing process this year, as described in the New ACM TAPS Publishing Process section, which uses a single column layout format for submissions.

    It is important to follow two rules to make the submission anonymous: the names of the authors must not appear and references to previous work by the authors will be cited as if they were from third party authors.

    It should be noted for authors who would hesitate to submit to IHM rather than to a renowned international conference because of the problems of self-plagiarism that IHM makes explicit the authorization to republish in English an article published in French at IHM, thus following the ACM SIGCHI policy (cf. Language and Republication and Re-publication in English of articles published in French at IHM sections).

    There is no distinction between short and long articles: contributions may be between 6 and 16 pages long (references not included). The adequacy between the number of pages and the importance of the results presented will be taken into account when evaluating the articles. We suggest that authors self-evaluate their contribution and allocate the appropriate number of pages.

    New ACM TAPS publishing process

    The ACM Publication System (TAPS) is evolving to make it easier to view articles on mobile devices. Most ACM conferences now follow the TAPS process with the new submission and publication format. Two-column PDF articles will still be published on the ACM DL (Digital Library), but they will be accompanied by a version in responsive HTML format that can be adapted to the screen sizes of our new uses.

    To do so, the submission for evaluation of the article must respect a single column layout (according to the Word and LaTeX templates provided). Authors must submit the PDF on PCS (in single-column format). It should be noted that the Word template poses various processing difficulties and that the LaTeX format is MORE THAN ENCOURAGED.

    Once accepted, authors must submit the PDF and sources of the final version of the article on PCS, again in single-column format. The files will then be transformed with TAPS to obtain publishable versions (two-column PDF and reactive HTML). Authors are encouraged to check the automatic two-column layout of their article before submission (see next paragraph). Authors will nevertheless receive a message to check the layout and may request modifications if necessary.

    Authors can test the transformation of their article from one to two columns to anticipate the final layout. This two-column version produced by authors is for testing purposes only and should not be submitted. We hope that the PDF produced by TAPS will be close, but cannot guarantee that the PDF generated by TAPS will be exactly the same. To do so, authors using LaTeX will be able to choose the documentclass line (which, depending on the language used, is located at the beginning of the article-main-en.tex or article-main-en.tex file) corresponding to the desired format. Authors using Word will have to follow the procedure to apply the two-column format. In order to prevent possible problems, remember to make a backup of your file beforehand. (Tip: to make the styles appear in the margin of the draft mode: File > Option > Advanced Options > Display > Width of the style area pane: indicate 2 cm or 3 cm for example).

    Authors using LaTeX should restrict packages to those in this list: They can also use the utility to obtain a minimal archive containing only the files useful for compilation.

    The publishable version will be deposited as a zip archive containing three subdirectories (See point 7 of Taps best practices):

    • pdf : the PDF of the article (optional) ;
    • source: the DOCX file or the TEX file with all the resources and files to compile ;
    • supplements: additional files for web publication (MP4 video, PPTX slides, PTX poster, JPG thumbnail, ... and a readme.txt file to explain what each file is for) that will not appear in the PDF (optional).

    Exceptional circumstances: authors who had already written their paper in Word using the two-column format may wait for the acceptance notification before switching to the single-column format (and preferably LaTeX if possible). The article must then respect a limit of between 4 and 10 pages on two columns.

    Frequently Asked Question

    Q: What figure size should I use in the single column submission?

    A: Authors should use figures in the single-column submission that are equal in size to those that will appear in the final two-column publication. The figures in the final one-column publication (0.5 page wide) should appear as 0.5 page wide figures in the submission, leaving 0.5 page space blank. One-page wide figures in the final publication should appear as one-page wide figures in the submission.

    Selection procedure

    Each submission follows a rigorous selection process based notably on the criteria of originality in relation to existing work, validity of the argument, practical or theoretical importance of the results, replicability of the work and presentation.
    The process is double-blind: the reviewers do not know the authors and the authors do not know the reviewers.

    More concretely, the Chairs of the Program Committee (PC) designate for each paper from among the members of the PC one person responsible for the paper. The paper editor then appoints three external reviewers from outside the program committee.

    Each submission is rigorously evaluated by the three internal and external reviewers. Based on these reviews, the article editor prepares a synthesis of the reviews.

    After these initial reviews, the decisions of the program committee will be :

    • either the acceptance of the paper as is,
    • or acceptance subject to modification of the paper (conditional acceptance),
    • or the rejection of the paper. If the paper editors decide that it is too difficult for the authors to make the changes requested by the reviewers in the time allotted for the changes, the paper editors will decide not to accept the article.

    After receiving the reviews and synthesis, and in response to the points raised by the reviews, authors whose papers are conditionally accepted will then be given the opportunity to make changes to the paper directly and to write a letter of introduction to those changes.

    The committee member responsible for the submission may support authors in considering requests for changes. Such exchanges are at the discretion of the committee member responsible for the submission, and are not mandatory.

    Reviewers may change their evaluations after reading the new version of the article and the authors' response letter. The program committee meets to discuss the evaluations, the synthesis and the authors' response and decides on acceptance. If accepted, the PC may still require some modifications to further support the authors in considering requests for changes.

    Speech recommendations

    For more interactivity and added value compared to the "simple reading" of the article, we propose this year to respect during the oral presentation of the work :

    • 15 min of presentation + 5 min of questions
    • OR (depending on the case) 10 min presentation + 5 min demonstration + 5 min questions


    Submissions should follow the following format and remain anonymous:

    Submission procedure

    Submissions of scientific papers are made through PCS system.

    Important dates

    • 15/10/2020 (09/10/2020) : Deadline for submission of abstracts and keywords
    • 23/10/2020 (16/10/2020) : Deadline for submission of papers (PCS, 11:59 p.m. CEST)
    • 30/11/2020 : Sending evaluations to authors
    • 07/12/2020 : Deadline for submission of rebuttals ("rebuttal"
    • 10/12/2020 : Meeting of the Program Committee
    • 14/12/2020 : Notification authors, articles accepted, refused, conditionally accepted
    • 18/01/2021 : Deadline for submission of final versions, articles accepted in CP
    • 29/01/2021 : Deadline for sending the corrected version for conditional acceptance
    • 05/02/2021 : Final notification to the authors of the rectified versions
    • 15/02/2021 : Deadline for sending the final versions of the rectified versions
    • April 13 to 16, 2021: Conference

    Program committee responsabilities


    For further information read recommendations for authors and reviewers.