Contributing › Demonstrations


The demonstrations will give you the opportunity to present your prototypes to the audience of the HMI'20-21 conference during a special session. This session will be an opportunity to :

  • propose to the audience of IHM'20-21 to directly experience your work, which is often the best way to communicate your ideas ;
  • receive feedback on your work of high scientific quality from the audience of IHM'20-21, experts in the field (about 100-150 people each year);
  • initiate collaborations with other national and international researchers in the field;
  • communicate your work to the media and research institutions;
  • propose to the conference participants to be the participants of your user experiments;
  • win the HMI'20-21 "Best Demo Award", thanks to the votes of the HMI'20-21 audience during the "Night of Demos".

Call for participation

IHM'2020 offers a call for submissions specifically dedicated to demonstrations, where we encourage submissions of innovative contributions from the following areas (non-exhaustive) :

  • interaction techniques ;
  • tools for HMI (analysis, design, prototyping, etc.) ;
  • software and hardware for the GUI;
  • applications (home, school, museum, game, office, etc.).

Submissions on the theme of IHM'2021 "Interaction, Design and Children" are particularly encouraged.

The IHM'2021 program committee may also invite authors of other categories of contributions (papers, WiP, etc.) to present a demonstration without additional submission (except for the technical appendix).

Industrialists wishing to present their products and commercial solutions are invited to contact the persons in charge of "industrial track".

Instructions to authors

Submissions should be in the form of a 1-2 page non-anonymous article in the format below, accompanied in a separate document by a technical appendix.

The paper should present the scientific objectives of the work that led to the demonstration as well as the main functionalities presented in the demonstration.

The technical appendix, in free format, must describe in a synthetic way the scenario planned for the demonstration as well as the specific material needs (each demonstration will have a table, a power source and an internet access via WiFi as a basis; if a demonstration imperatively requires other devices, indicate this in the technical appendix, the organizers will try to satisfy them as much as possible).

In order to facilitate the management of the submissions, the names of the files accompanying the e-mail must respect the following form :

  • for the paper: DemoIHM2020-Paper-First_Author_Name
  • for the technical appendix: DemoIHM2020-Annexe-First_Author_Name

    Selection procedure

    Les soumissions seront évaluées par les responsables des démonstrations, assistés de relecteurs additionnels si nécessaire.


    The articles accompanying the selected demonstrations will be included in the informal proceedings available on HAL.


    Submissions must follow the Proceedings Format, NOT anonymous:

      Submission procedure

      Submissions are made by e-mail:

      Important dates

      • deadline for submission of demonstrations (11:59 p.m. CEST): 01/02/2021
      • sending evaluations to the authors: n.a.
      • deadline for sending the final version: n.a.

